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15/10/2016 / Mašinska škola Pančevo


Event info

Date: 15/10/2016
Location: Mašinska škola Pančevo
Address: Braće Jovanovića 103a Pančevo
The Omnibus Youth Journalism School adventure kicked off on October 15, 2016 with an introductory workshop where instructors Kristijan Balteanu, Nenad Živković, Miroslav Todorović, and Dejan Čančarević greeted student participants, introduced themselves, and „officially“ got acquainted. Following this, the mentors presented general information about the course: the goal; why it is being provided free of charge; which organizations contributed to the project, etc. They spoke about the importance of responsibility and taking initiative; the value of knowledge; and the principles of the mentor and instructor relationship (basic democracy, equality, consensus, compromise, cooperation, reciprocity and solidarity). In addition, they discussed expectations of participants, including: to continuously follow what is happening in the world, in our community, and the local media; to watch (and think critically about) films about journalism; and to complete any homework assignments. They also covered other key technical information such as timeline for the school, the schedule, dates and elements of workshops, language, etc.
After this procedural introduction, the discussion turned to what newspapers and magazines the students read, why these in particular, their favorite journalists, and – most importantly – why they want to be journalists.